Please answer the one-question poll below. On Monday, November 21 at 7pm, the Pioneer Valley Riverfront Club will host a Stakeholders' Meeting. PVRC leadership, staff, and committee chairs will report on the state of the club then field your questions. Concluding this one-hour event, we will illuminate the new, festive lights that adorn the boathouse exterior. You are welcome to attend in person at 121 West Street, Springfield MA 01104, or remotely by the zoom link below. This is a public meeting, open to all who have an interest in the Pioneer Valley Riverfront Club. Please answer the poll question below. You can come back to find the meeting zoom link in this post, via the PVRC home page,
How will you attend the Stakeholders' Meeting?
0%I'll be there in person!
0%I'll see you on the zoom!
0%I wish I could attend but cannot.